skin cleansing – Skin Care Brands List Blog Skin Care Tips Fri, 11 Feb 2022 18:50:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Role of Toners and Astringents in Skincare and their Natural Alternatives Tue, 14 Jan 2020 16:25:05 +0000 Clear and glowing skin is a dream of every girl. Quick Skincare is no secret in today’s ever moving ever striving world where one seldom gets time for himself. In this era it is important to find quick and easy skincare products and remedies so one can easily adapt these things in daily routine and […]

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Toners and astringents are two such skincare products that you can actually use to overcome your skin problems and they help you revive your skin cells and give you a freshening glow for a day out. Are you tired of your acne breakouts? Fear not as toners and astringents will help you overcome this issue. They seem same although so what is the major difference between the two? We are going to find out today.

Their benefits in the skincare world are also defined in the article below along with naturally occurring alternatives for them so that it is easy on your pocket and have no or very less side effects.


Toners are liquid skincare products which are used to cleanse skin in order to tighten the pores and skin cells and revitalize skin to make it look younger. A toner is water based however it contains alcohol and is full of hydrogen and oxygen. It has a large variety in both brands and types. Most commonly used types of toners include Skin fresheners, Tonics, Astringents, Acidic toners etc.

Benefits of Toner

Toner makes your complexion clear and radiant. Toner looks like water so it is no secret that it is highly beneficial in terms of skin hydration. It nourishes the skin which diminishes chance of premature aging.

By maintaining the pH of your skin a toner leaves no room for oiliness and infection which gives the skin a smoother appearance. Toner functions best as a detoxifier removing all harmful toxins such as smoke etc. from your skin.

Acne, one of the most painful and detrimental skin issues can be reduced through regular use of toner. Moreover it helps in reducing any future breakouts. It can be used to prime face in your skin care routine and also to remove makeup.

Facial toners are best suited for cleaning in and around your ears as well. Oily deposits that are formed on back and arms can also be removed through magical powers of toner which will diminish the chance of acne formation in these places. The best thing about toner is that it is well suited for all skin types.

Our Pick: Best Toners


Astringents too are chemicals used to shrink body tissues. This means an astringent tightens the pores when applied on skin. They are alcohol based with cleansing properties. Astringents are also present in many of the naturally occurring things.

Benefits of Astringent

Besides tightening the pores astringents are good at cleansing irritants from the skin. Astringent also stops inflammation of skin due to its acidic properties and reduces acne altogether. This is due to the fact that it unclogs pores.

The antibacterial benefits of astringents are just amazing. An astringent may be alcohol or chemically based which is why it is used to clean the skin and close pores. It heals pimples and prevents scarring. Moreover it helps prevent fungal infections. Astringents are best-suited for oily or non-sensitive skin types.

Our Pick: Best Astringents

Core Differences Between Toners and Astringents

Toner and astringents may have similar functions but are actually very different especially in terms of composition. Toners are milder than astringents and have natural components such as herbal extracts. Toners are water-based. On the contrary astringents are more acidic and are alcohol-based. Although astringent is a kind of toner itself its effects are rather harmful because of its acidic properties. Astringents are composed of components such as witch hazel, citric acid and salicylic acid. Whereas toners contain salicylic acid, lactic acid, glycerin, glycolic acid, hyaluronic acid, rose water, witch hazel etc. these too in milder quantities to reduce irritating impact on skin.

Toners are more preferable in the skincare regime because of having less side effects than astringents which cause massive drying out and irritation to the skin if a moisturizer is not applied right away. Astringents chiefly help in oil removal whereas toners are more about hydrating skin. Astringents only work for oily skin type whereas toners can be used for all skin types. Both have dirt removal properties however astringent is antibacterial while toner contain antioxidants which helps the skin radiance.

Natural Substitutes of Toners and Astringents

There are numerous excellent alternatives for toners and astringents. The plus point is since these are naturally occurring they have minimal to no side effects. These include the following.

Rose water

Rose water contains minor astringent due to which it is best to reduce skin irritants and inflammation.


Mint is also used in beauty products because of its toner-like qualities. It can be mixed with other astringents to give same impact as a toner.


“As cool as cucumber” clearly shows the hydrating effect of a cucumber. Cucumbers are used around eyes for reducing puffiness and dark circles however the vitamin c content in it makes it no less than any water based toner.

Apple cider vinegar

Despite its pungent odor apple cider is an excellent alternative for astringent. Like other natural astringents vinegar tightens and cleanses pores, normalizes skin pH, decreases inflammation, and combats any infections.

Citrus juice

Citrus juice have natural antiseptic qualities which work best against acne and breakouts and provides protection against bacteria. Lemon, orange and grapefruit juice can be used as citrus juice.

Witch hazel

Witch hazel is also a very effective astringent.Using witch hazel provides protection against bacteria and fungi. Mixing witch hazel with alcohol can give better results in unclogging the pores.

Green tea

Rich in natural compounds green tea can be used as a toner alternative. It also contains antioxidants which remove wrinkles, fine lines and dark spots. It can be used by dabbing a freshly brewed tea bag on your face.


The above mentioned toners and astringents can be used, according to your skin type and you will have an exceptional glow in your complexion. Also natural substitutes for toners and astringents come in handy when you are running short on these products or money.

The post Role of Toners and Astringents in Skincare and their Natural Alternatives appeared first on Skin Care Brands List Blog.

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