Dermatitis is a very common skin condition that indicates any sought of skin inflammation and it is characterized by itchiness, skin rashes and allergenic condition.
Dermatitis is of two type Atopic dermatitis and Contact dermatitis. Atopic dermatitis (Eczema) is caused due to genetic reasons, or sometimes any sought of allergies from the surrounding.
Contact dermatitis is caused due to skin coming in direct contact with allergenic things or infections.
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LilyAna Naturals Face Cream (Rose and Pomegranate) | Face Creams | Check Price |
This moisturizer deeply nourishes and smoothes your delight and sensible skin. It also hydrates the skin area around your eyes.
>> Read MoreSuitable for all skin types including oily, sensitive, acne prone and combination. Both men and women can use it.