Melanin is a natural pigment found in organisms. It is responsible for the skin color and found in eyes, hair, skin and inner ears. The main purpose of melanin is to protect the sun exposed part of the body from harmful rays of the sun. Whenever our skin is exposed to sun, melanin production is stimulated. Melanin is capable of absorbing most of the sun rays and dissipates it without reaching the body.
How Melanin is produced
Melanocytes are the specialized cells that produce melanin. Melanocytes are found in epidermis layer of the skin, pigmented layer of the eye (uvea), inner layer of vagina, bones, inner ear, meninges, and the heart.
Melanin is produced through a number of chemical processes, followed by oxidation of amino acid tyrosine and polymerization of amino acid tyrosine.
After melanin is been produced, it is held by an organelle called melanosome. Melanosome carries the pigment to the external skin, to produce pigmentation and to protect the skin from sun.
Melanogenesis refers to the process of melanin production.
Melanin is the term related to skin complexion; this can originate in most of the human as well as animals. Along with genes, one should also concentrate on melanin; which is responsible for transformation in facial appearance. The pigment can change your color from dark-brown to yellowish-red to dark brown.
How Melanin is inter-related with Human Health
On important, it is important for us to understand how melanin is inter-connected with health. According to dermatologists, it has been concluded that if melanocytes are unable to create enough amount of melanin in your skin, hair and eyes, color then it can result in albinism, i.e. reduced sight.
Melanin generally assembled inside melanosomes which carry enzymes and tyrosine along with it. According to a survey people those who are suffering from albinism have to pay extra attention; because they are at higher risk of skin infection. The major issue which they can face is skin cancer; it is because melanin cannot protect the skin from sun rays.
How does melanin decide skin color
Every individual has different skin type and color; it can range up to different shades, i.e. dark brown to white. Though there are numerous factors which influence your skin color, it can be either genetic or pigment, i.e. known as melanin. All this can affect hair as well as eye color.
Melanin is formed from the skin cells; more is the sun exposure, more amount of melanin will be produced.
Types of Melanin
Melanin are of three main types, they are eumelanin, pheomelanin, and neuromelanin.
1. Eumelanin
Eumelanin is the most common type of melanin and it is again split into two types brown eumelanin and black eumelanin. These are found in skin and hair. Eumelanin is responsible for the brown to black color, on skin, hair and eyes.
Eumelanin is produced in those people who undergo from regular sun exposure to frequent sun exposure. In such cases the level of eumelanin increases. This can make your skin brownish, or it appears like tanning which also act as a protective mask against harmful rays of the sun. Hence it reduces the risk of burning sensation as well as skin cancer which takes places due to excessive sun exposure.
2. Pheomelanin
In simple terms, the irregular sun exposure can give rise to Pheomelanin, i.e. burning sensation, sun burns and etc.
Pheomelanin produces a yellow to red shades. It is common among people with red hair color. Those who rarely go out for sun exposure are highly affected by Pheomelanin; in such cases, the chances of skin cancer increases.
3. Neuromelanin
Neuromelanin is other important type of melanin found in areas of brain. it is a dark pigment beause it contains black or brown pigmented granules. Neuromelanin increases with aging and it provides protection to the delicate neurons.
Why there is Need of Melanin
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So we can say that melanin has ample of benefits; the most popular is it can act as a protected layer for ultraviolet rays. Whenever you get exposure to the sun, our body exudes melanin to guard internal organs of the skin. Thus we can say it fights with harmful rays and protect the skin.
However, it has concluded from the survey that it does not offer overall protection. Still, people suffer from wrinkles, darker skin tones. We all know that no one can survive for long hours standing under sun rays for unlimited hours. Generally, people having light skinned highly to get a sunburn while standing under the midday sun.
More melanin good or bad
According to reports of dermatologist’s blondes, redheads and blondes give rise to skin cancer. As we all know Pheomelanin can expand the content of melanin. Therefore Melanin available in hair follicles or particularly in light hair can increase the harmful effects of sun rays and results in the death of cells.
So we can say that melanin does not only contain pros; but also have some cons. Therefore the results of melanin depend upon the color of your skin.
Is there a way to reduce melanin in the skin
The only way to reduce the melanin in the skin is taking extreme protection while going out.
Therefore direct exposure can be avoided or have to stay away from direct sun rays. The best way is to cover up your face while going out especially in midday.
You can also make use of sunscreen ointments in overall parts of your body, i.e. shoulders, arms, face and neck.
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It is important to protect your skin from harmful ultraviolet rays, or other radiations. Moreover, we can say that proper shielding is important to overcome from skin exposure.