Lavender is the only magical name that makes us feel the fresh fragrance and gives a pleasant feel instantly after inhaling it smell. We would have enjoyed the mesmerizing smell of the flower from its essential oil, lavender flavored perfumes, eye mask and eye pillows, body spray, or any skincare products fragranced with lavender. In […]
Skin Care
Importance of Skin Moisturization and Steps to Avoid Dehydration of Skin
Our body is composed of 60% of water so it is no surprise that our body needs water in greater amounts than all the nutrients put together. Skin needs water in higher quantities in order to retain its beauty in all exuberance. For this drinking water merely is not enough but rather the skin requires […]
Does Melanin Really Decide Your Skin Color? Role of Melanin and It’s Facts
Role of Toners and Astringents in Skincare and their Natural Alternatives
Clear and glowing skin is a dream of every girl. Quick Skincare is no secret in today’s ever moving ever striving world where one seldom gets time for himself. In this era it is important to find quick and easy skincare products and remedies so one can easily adapt these things in daily routine and […]
Premature / Early Aging Skin – Natural Remedies and Treatments
What if your skin fails to show up its beauty and glow? What if your skin becomes dull, dry and unhealthy at a very younger age? These are all symptoms of aging or premature aging skin. The main difference between those terms “aging skin” and premature/early aging skin” is that “aging skin” refers to those […]
How to Get Rid of Clogged Pores and Reasons for Clogged Pores
“Clogged pore” is one of the skin issues we face every day and sometimes we don’t even realize whether our skin is clogged or not, and hence it is necessary to remove those skin residues accumulated into the tiny pores of the skin at regular intervals. Clogged pores are a perfect sign which symbolizes skin […]
How to Create Your Own Skincare Products At Home
Making your own skincare products is simple and requires only very few ingredients. All the home made products can be certified safe, satisfactory and reliable. Store bought can have a lots of additives, chemicals, preservatives and colors in-order to make it more attractive, easy to use and to get a prolonged shelf life of the […]
Aloe vera – Benefits and Uses in Skincare Routine
Introduction Aloe vera is a plant that has proved its effectiveness in medicine as well in cosmetology. It is a plant that needs a lesser amount of water and can thrive even with the minimal amount of sunlight. Aloe vera belongs to the Genus “Aloe” and succulent plant species. The plant appears to be thick […]
How to Choose Your Skincare Product
The topic is simple and yet important because a wrong product that is unsuitable for your skin can cause undesirable results. Are you a user preferring products based on advertisements or the products fame? Then this article is for you. Let it be your day care cream, night cream, sunscreen, tanning products, face mask or […]
Top 13 Unique Skincare Brands
Do you know there are more than lakhs of skincare brands available! Skincare brands usually manufacture products specifically for face, body, hair, eye, and lip. They classify products based on various skin concerns, issues, or usage or product type (gel, cream, serum, lotion, balm, oil, butter, spray). Each and every skincare brands tries to formulate […]